On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Trapped interns, sidelined profs, and student debit cards

Professors, We Need You! Some of the smartest thinkers on problems at home and around the world are university professors, but most of them just don’t matter in today’s great debates. (The New York Times)

Making online teaching click Why a classroom veteran waited 17 years to join the digital pedagogues. (Times Higher Education)

For Interns, All Work and No Payoff Millennials Feel Trapped in a Cycle of Internships With Little Pay and No Job Offers (The New York Times)

GAO recommends changes for student debit cards Small fees add up for college students using college-issued debit and prepaid cards, which are often used to draw financial aid, and congressional investigators have urged greater oversight of their use. (Associated Press via NAICU)

Troubling Number Of Minority And Female Students Took This AP Exam In 2013 The College Board -- the association responsible for creating and overseeing AP testing -- has noted that a vast majority of AP Computer Science test-takers in 2013 were white males. Of the more than 20,000 students to take the exam last year, 81 percent were male and 54 percent were white. Only 9 percent of the test-takers were Latino and 3 percent were African-American. (The Huffington Post via University Business)