MNsure ads give ax to Paul Bunyan and Babe

MNsure is giving the ax to Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox.

For months, the state's online health insurance marketplace has used the images in its marketing campaign, which encourages Minnesotans to buy health insurance through MNsure.

But beginning Wednesday, the health insurance exchange will start running ads featuring Minnesotans who found less expensive coverage on MNsure.

The new TV and radio spots feature testimonials from Minnesotans such as Mary DesCombaz, who suffered from a brain tumor and before MNsure was created could only buy high-premium, high-deductible plans.

"My new plan saves us $700 a month and covers everything I need," she said.

MNsure interim CEO Scott Leitz said the Paul Bunyan ad was meant to raise general awareness of the site. He said the testimonials go further.

"We really are turning now to say, as we've done that, what are the stories of people who have been able to enroll into coverage, have been able to find affordable policies with good benefits at less cost," Leitz said. "[It] really gives us a chance to highlight that we have the lowest premiums in the country."

The new ads for radio and television cost about $380,000. MNsure's total advertising budget is $3.5 million.

Most Americans must obtain health insurance by March 31st or pay a penalty under the health care law.