On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: AP growth, drought and shady internships

Advanced Placement Classes Grow In Popularity There are questions, though, about whether doors to AP classes have been opened too wide and whether schools are doing enough to assist students in them. (Associated Press via The Huffington Post)

Federal College Ratings: Three Modest Steps First, I would launch a pilot program of surveys of the veterans and other students who receive taxpayer support. (Washington Monthly)

Calif. drought withers university farms, agricultural teaching tools As California struggles with the worst drought on record, students involved with university farms across the state are taking measures to save their crops and preserve their livestock herds. (USA Today)

In an Age of Constantly Rising Tuitions, This College Gives Full Scholarships to Every Student Berea College, however, takes it one step further. The college only accepts students with "strong academic potential and financial need." (Motley Fool via NAICU)

New York University Is Taking Steps To Protect Students From Shady Internships The NYU Wasserman Center for Career Development now requires employers indicate that unpaid internships meet Labor Department guidelines before posting them on CareerNet, the school's online jobs site. (The Huffington Post via University Business)