On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Coed dorms, counselors’ admissions and a higher-ed overhaul

An Inmate and a Scholar When the newest issue of Columbia Journal of European Law came out last month featuring a 31-page scholarly article on Turkish nationals in the European Union, the author’s note at the bottom of the first page was the only indication that the writer was not your typical Ivy Leaguer. (The New York Times)

Rubio to propose higher education overhaul Addressing what he calls a "growing opportunity gap" between people with and without advanced educations, Sen. Marco Rubio is calling for state-accredited alternatives to four-year colleges and income-based repayments for college loans. (Associated Press)

 ‘The greatest line I never said’ — from college admissions counselors Recently, a counselor, in an e-mail with the subject line “The Greatest Line I never Said,” asked others to share things they had thought about saying to students but managed not to. (The Washington Post)

Are Students Really Cheating Less? Why? Even if the reported decline were very real, it’s not entirely clear it’s Turnitin -- the antiplagiarism software -- that caused this apparent drop. The use of the Internet made colleges institute lots of changes to protect academic integrity. It’s not all about the one software program. (Washington Monthly)

Are coed dorms becoming more mainstream? Colleges across the country are becoming open to gender-neutral housing, meaning male and female students can live under one dorm roof. (USA Today)