On Campus Blog

Study: University of Minnesota – Duluth seventh in per-capita drug and alcohol arrests

The University of Minnesota - Duluth has the seventh-largest number of on-campus arrests per capita for drug and alcohol violations, according to a study publicized in The Huffington Post.

The campus logged 14.3 arrests per 1,000 students -- behind first-place University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh, which had 22.41.

The data is limited -- and a little dated. The study by Rehabs.com uses federal higher-ed data from 2011 and doesn't include arrests of students in nearby areas off campus. surrounding area. Nor does it track schools with fewer than 5,000 students.

The seventh-place ranking may be a dubious distinction, but it looks like Wisconsin was front and center in this study.

The Post reports: 

The University of Wisconsin system has more drug and alcohol arrests per capita than any other collection of related public universities. … Five campuses from the UW system make the top 20 list for drug and alcohol arrests, and 10 of the 50 schools with the most on campus alcohol busts are UW campuses, the report said. In addition, six of the top 50 colleges for drug arrests are UW schools.

Read the full article here.