On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Creativity, happiness and distracted walking

Learning to Think Outside the Box Creativity Becomes an Academic Discipline (The New York Times)

Sites like ‘Rate My Professors’ earn mixed grades on campus While many students find these websites a helpful new way to rank teachers, many are also growing the ire of some on campus. (USA Today)

Distracted walking widespread at colleges A recent study says cellphone use leads to many run-ins. (The Diamondback via University Business)

Gallup will survey college graduates’ outcomes In a new attempt to judge the value of a higher education against which any campus can measure itself, the Gallup research organization will poll graduates nationwide about their success and happiness. (The Hechinger Report via NAICU)

Cummings spurs edit of college aid Web sites Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.) spurred a quick edit of the financial aid Web sites of some universities when he charged this week that schools were misleading students about what forms were needed to apply for federal student aid. (The Washington Post)