What environmentalists hope to hear from Obama tonight

President Obama
President Obama in a file photo from last November: What will he say tonight?
Pool/Getty Images

As we prepare to watch tonight's State of the Union speech, we're hearing about topics that President Obama is expected to address. Some environmentalists hope he will announce plans to go further in combating climate change.

Tonight's speech comes seven months after Obama delivered his most forceful push yet for action on global warming, in a speech at Georgetown University.

Last summer, The Daily Circuit had a conversation about Obama's proposals for dealing with climate change. We listen back to that discussion ahead of tonight's speech.


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"Among the top-billed items are imposing the first carbon limits on existing power plants and requiring all federal projects to be able to withstand the heightened storms and sea level rise associated with climate change." (Huffington Post)

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"We may not live to see the full realization of our actions," he said. "But we will have the satisfaction of realizing the world we leave for our children will be better off for what we do." (Mother Jones)