On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Testing, 24-hour dining and privatization of higher ed

U-Md. and Johns Hopkins offer specialized sequences of online courses via Coursera  The campuses are among the first to offer specialty sequences of courses. Hopkins is listing a sequence of nine MOOCs in data science, with certificates available to those who pass all nine, complete a capstone project and pay $490. (The Washington Post)

Is the Term “College Ratings” Toxic? Provosts at for-profit institutions and public research universities tended to offer more support for President Obama's ratings plan, while those at private nonprofit institutions were almost unanimous in opposition. (Washington Monthly)

Stopping the Privatization of American Public Higher Education  The Federal-State College Affordability Partnership would leverage up to $15 billion in federal student aid dollars to incentivize states to invest in public higher education, in turn mitigating tuition increases and improving college affordability. (The Huffington Post)

Tests to get into college now being followed by tests to get out The advent of the college exit test is being driven largely by parents, legislators, and others intent on making sure they’re getting their money’s worth from universities and colleges — and by employers who complain that graduates arrive surprisingly ill-prepared. (The Hechinger Report / Time)

Student dining opens all hours Students at Lynn University, a small private college in Florida, were probably happy enough that they can now get food on campus at any hour, since administrators decided to keep the sole cafeteria open 24/7. As an unexpected bonus, they now can avoid the dreaded 8am class, too. (Times Higher Education)