On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Contraception, the leadership obsession and a job guarantee

Utopian Pasts and Futures The belief that the liberal arts and sciences should be central to higher education rests on a distinctively American idea. The criticism of this kind of education, and the insistence in much of the national debate today about the priority of training in vocational skills, is also a distinctively American idea. (The Huffington Post)

Raising the Floor, Not Just the Ceiling To reform higher ed, we need a federal job guarantee. (Slate)

Humanities Majors: Doing Better than You Might Think People who major in the humanities and social sciences don’t earn as much as their classmates in the physical and natural sciences, math, or engineering, but the gap is not as wide as has been portrayed. (Washington Monthly)

Debate rages over contraception coverage in religious universities It's sparking debate on campuses nationwide over whose rights should be protected: the rights of the religious institution or those of individual students and faculty. Opponents of the mandate cite encroachment on religious liberty. Some colleges have taken the debate to court. (USA Today)

Why Are American Colleges Obsessed With 'Leadership'? What's wrong with being a follower? Or a lone wolf? (The Atlantic)