On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Adjuncts, law-school tuition and the effect of ratings

New Study Quantifies Impact of Ratings Being named a top party school by the Princeton Review could cost a university an 8 to 9 percent decline in the percentage of out-of-state students who enroll. That’s among the conclusions of a new study that measures the impact on higher education of controversial annual college rankings. Being named one of the 25 best colleges by U.S. News & World Report gets an institution 6 to 10 percent more applications than it would otherwise receive. (Washington Monthly)

Crowded Out of Ivory Tower, Adjuncts See a Life Less Lofty From 1993 to 2011, the percentage of faculty members without tenure surged nationally from 57 percent to 70 percent, according to the American Association of University Professors, a research and advocacy group. Of those faculty members, a vast majority are adjunct professors like James Hoff. (The New York Times)

Young people may fall into the ‘Medicaid gap’ Health insurance may still be out of reach for nearly a million young people. (USA Today)

Study: Online Learning Sees Slowest Growth in a Decade Massive open online courses lost favor among some school leaders, a study finds. (U.S. News & World Report)

Some Law Schools Cutting Tuition Amid Dismal Legal Jobs Market A mini-trend appears to be sprouting up at a handful of law schools that have actually ratcheted back their tuition costs in recent months. (The Wall Street Journal)