On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Sexism, teacher education, and social-media policies

Is teacher education a disaster? A sweeping language of failure narrows the understanding we have of a problem and leads to solutions that create problems of their own. (The Washington Post)

Enron-esque higher ed plan: Fire tenured faculty to fund student dorms  In Gov. Tom Corbett's Pennsylvania, if it’s public and it’s education, burn it down! (Salon)

Professors ask regents to suspend social media policy The regents had passed the social media policy unanimously partly as a response to KU journalism professor David Guth's anti-NRA tweet, which ignited nationwide controversy. The new policy authorizes the leaders of Kansas public universities to fire employees for social media posts that conflict with the best interests of the university or its ability to efficiently provide services, among other violations. (Lawrence Journal-World)

British Health Fee Adds Barrier for Foreign Students Critics of the plan concede that it is unlikely, by itself, to turn many away. Still, they warn that it will add to a cumulative message that is increasingly unwelcoming. (The New York Times)

Report: Sexism Part Of Military Academies' Culture Students at the U.S. military academies often believe they have to put up with sexist and offensive behavior, a Pentagon report finds, reflecting a culture of disrespect that permeates the schools and their sports teams and fuels reports of sexual harassment and assaults. (The Huffington Post)