The Cities Blog

Minneapolis police slow to review officers after citizen complaints

Minneapolis Police Department supervisors have failed to complete officer performance reviews following complaints from the public, city data show.

Department standards dictate the reviews, referred to as "coaching," happen within 45 days. In some precincts, orders for coaching have languished for more than nine months.

coaching chart
Courtesy of Minneapolis

The Minneapolis Office of Police Conduct Review frequently recommends coaching in cases deemed too serious to be dismissed, but not serious enough to warrant investigation and potential discipline.

"We take very seriously any instances that may lead an officer into a position of being coached," police department spokesman John Elder said in a written statement. "We are committed to taking the time to handle these situations most thoroughly, even if it takes a protracted period of time."

The department is aware of the delays and recently instituted new procedures to expedite coaching, including bi-monthly meetings to make sure it's happening, Elder added

The conduct review office was established in 2012 as more streamlined and efficient way to handle complaints about police officers. Its predecessor, the Civilian Review Authority, was criticized for taking too long to resolve complaints.