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Dayton lets school districts decide on Tuesday cancellations

Gov. Mark Dayton will not issue another statewide public school closure on Tuesday, allowing instead for local school district officials to make those individual decisions.

Dayton announced last week that schools would be closed today to protect children from “forecasted dangerously cold weather.” That weather is expected to be nearly as cold again tomorrow, but Dayton’s education commissioner, Brenda Cassellius, informed district superintendents and charter school directors today that the decision about Tuesday is up to them.

“We believe school superintendents are monitoring the temperatures closely and are prepared to communicate with families so they can plan accordingly,” Cassellius wrote. “We encourage you, as always, to be mindful about the dangers of even brief exposure to these dangerously low temperatures as you make your decisions.”

MPR's Tim Post reported Minneapolis has already made the decision to close schools Tuesday.