On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Medical education, work-study programs, and A’s for athletes

The gap in medical education Efforts to rein in costs and improve patient outcomes must begin by updating medical course work to incorporate health policy training. (Los Angeles Times)

Postdocs’ career choices swayed by personal values The authors of a study published last month say that giving researchers more opportunities to align their work with their own values may help to stem the loss of talented researchers from biomedical science. (Times Higher Education)

How College Pricing Is Like Holiday Retail Sales Savvier college-bound consumers know that the so-called “sticker price” of tuition and fees at a given college or university isn’t what many – or even most  – students pay. (ProPublica)

A’s for Athletes, but Charges of Fraud at North CarolinaSome classes never met and some grades were illicitly changed in a University of North Carolina department that attracted numerous athletes, and a respected professor now faces a criminal charge. (The New York Times)

Taxpayer-Funded Aid Program Benefits Richer Students Nearly one in four work-study recipients come from families with incomes of more than $80,000 a year. Fewer than half meet the federal definition of financial need. (The Hechinger Report)