On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Free speech, tuition discounts and prof job applications

The 10 Worst Colleges for Free Speech in 2013 Most of the schools we include in this year's list are public colleges or universities bound by the First Amendment. But some of them are private colleges that, though not required by the Constitution to respect student and faculty free speech rights, nonetheless promise to do so. (The Huffington Post)

Don’t swap the “Ivory Tower” for a cyber one The democratising nature of blogs and social media presents opportunities for academics to communicate, but engaging from the comfort of the armchair is not enough. Academics should use blogging as a way to maximise face-to-face engagement. (Impact of Social Sciences)

Getting Out of Discount Game, Small Colleges Lower the Price For colleges that are not well known, the race to lure students with big discounts is becoming unsustainable. (The New York Times)

A meta-list of top higher education stories for 2013 This list provides lists of the top articles, books, news topics, trends, etc. from many associations and organizations that specialize in higher education. (Andy Howe via Facebook)

The Problem with Applying for Academic Jobs: Not Enough Time  Real candidates for these jobs are often really poorly treated in the job application process. Really poorly treated. (Washington Monthly)