On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Trump University, fixed tuition and the boycott of Israel

Fixed rates are latest in college tuition plans Many fixed-rate plans are coupled with a commitment to hold financial aid steady so students have a firm cost estimate, but they are not discounts. At Kansas, students starting as freshmen pay more than standard tuition in their first two years to offset lower rates in the last two. Other schools try to estimate expenses and inflation and set rates that cover costs when averaged over four years. (Associated Press via Pioneer Press)

Trump Accuses NY Attorney General of Ethics Breach Trump says the Democratic attorney general solicited campaign donations from Trump's daughter even as Schneiderman's office was investigating the real estate mogul's "Trump University," according to the complaints. (Associated Press)

Notre Dame Dealt Big Rejection In Challenge Against Birth Control Coverage The lawsuit challenges a compromise in the Affordable Health Care Act offered by the Obama administration that attempted to create a buffer for religiously affiliated hospitals, universities and social service groups that oppose birth control. The law requires insurers or the health plan's outside administrator to pay for birth control coverage and creates a way to reimburse them. The university has filed an appeal. (The Huffington Post)

Dozens of U.S. universities reject academic boycott of Israel The boycott was recently approved by the academic American Studies Association, the nation’s oldest and largest association devoted to the interdisciplinary study of American culture and history. A few schools said they are withdrawing from the organization. (The Washington Post)

Obama's idea to rank America's colleges is a good one Before embracing Obama's concept, however, we should ask how to prevent schools from dumbing down graduation requirements and inflating grades to boost graduation rates. (Fresno Bee via NAICU)