On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Campus police, exam-score privacy and law school enrollment

College Police Forces Increasingly Expand Reach The police officers who patrol America's colleges are empowered these days to do far more than respond to campus emergencies. (Associated Press via Washington Monthly)

California high court says state bar should release exam scores  California Supreme Court rules for affirmative-action researcher, saying public has 'legitimate interest' in admissions process. But it also calls for privacy protections. (Los Angeles Times)

Expenses rise in business of college football, but business is good for nation’s elite For most of the big spenders, the return on their investments is more than enough to legitimize the top-shelf coin being tossed around. (Star-Telegram)

U.S. Law School Enrollments Fall Lack of Jobs Has Students Steering Away From Legal Career (The Wall Street Journal)

National Labor College to close in 2014 The National Labor College, an education venture for working adults supported by the AFL-CIO, will close next year because of financial difficulties school officials attribute in part to the construction of a conference center several years ago on the Silver Spring campus. (The Washington Post)