US Senate passes bipartisan budget deal; Minn. senators both vote yes

The U.S. Senate agreed to a budget deal Wednesday designed to prevent a government shutdown for the next two years.

It was a rare point of agreement for a historically gridlocked Congress. Minnesota's two senators voted yes. Still, no one loved it.

"It's the very definition of a compromise," DFL Sen. Al Franken said before the 64-36 vote.

Democrats did not get the big increases they wanted in domestic spending. They also did not get new tax revenue to pay for those programs, although fees will rise on airline tickets and other items. Republicans agreed to an overall spending level a touch higher than they wanted. The measure stops automatic federal budgets that were set to be triggered in early 2014.

The agreement is "a balance of some revenue and some cuts but it's done in a way that replaces the hammer" of automatic cuts, DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar said before voting.

The U.S. House approved the package earlier. President Obama is expected to sign it.