On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Texts, snowball fights and B-schools

Jobs Gap Between College, High School Graduates Widens College graduates claimed the bulk of last month’s job gains, while high-school grads with no college lost jobs, highlighting a persistent divide in the recovery. (The Wall Street Journal)

University Of Oregon Investigating 'Out Of Control' Snowball Fight It was all fun until students started to aggressively pelt the car of retired professor Sherwin Simmons. At one point, when Simmons steps out of the car to confront the crowd, one young man dumps a bunch of snow on his lap. (NPR)

The Argument That Only Top-5 Business Schools Are Worth It Is Dead Wrong Data suggests that MBAs have excellent job prospects, even if they graduated from a school well outside the top 10 of most rankings. (Business Insider)

People who can ignore texts or calls are likely to be more contented Researchers polled 500 students on their phone usage and found that when participants spent more time on their phones, their anxiety peaked at alarmingly high levels because they felt “obligated to keep in constant touch.” (Daily Mail via Beta Beat)

2 youngest US senators seek to lower college costs The two youngest members of the U.S. Senate are co-sponsoring legislation aimed at lowering college costs by withholding federal funds from schools that fail to meet new national affordability and quality standards — a proposal likely to draw strong opposition from higher education institutions. (The Boston Globe via Education Dive)