On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Divestment, sexual identity and performance-based funding

More community colleges confer bachelor’s degrees ​A growing number of community colleges are jumping on the baccalaureate bandwagon, but college leaders say the trend is not a threat to the associate degree or community college concept. (Community College Daily)

Napolitano, University of California president, ‘deeply skeptical’ of Obama college rating plan Napolitano’s reaction is especially significant because she was a member of Obama’s Cabinet and now leads a 10-university system that is a major force among public research institutions. (The Washington Post)

Don’t Dismiss Performance-Based Funding Research The theory of PBF is simple: If colleges are incentivized to focus on improving student retention and graduation rates, they will redirect effort and funds from other areas to do so. PBF should work if two conditions hold. (Washington Monthly)

Should a Student Conceal Her Lesbian Identity in College Application Essays? When our generation applied to college, gays and lesbians kept their sexual orientation under wraps — for very good reason. (The New York Times)

Students push for fossil fuel endowment divestment Campus divestment groups are demanding that universities get rid of stocks, bonds or investment funds from the 200 publicly traded companies with the largest reserves of fossil fuels. (USA Today)s