On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Prof workloads, Indian liberal arts and the B-school startup crown

Are academics working harder than they did before? Or just differently? While the data on this issue remain inconclusive, new technology may be responsible for distributing their efforts in more visible and differentiated ways. (Impact on Social Sciences)

Why educating the educators is complex One of the biggest debates in public education today is over how to best educate student teacher for the rigors of the classroom. Here is a thoughtful piece on the essence of teaching and the kind of teacher education programs we really need. (The Washington Post)

A New University Offers Liberal Arts as Higher Education Alternative  A group of successful Indian professionals and entrepreneurs, some of them alumni of the country's famed universities of technology and management, have come together to establish an alternative to what they say is an educational paradigm that overly emphasizes technical capabilities while neglecting vital skills like critical thinking, communications and teamwork. (The New York Times)

B-Schools Vie for Startup Crown M.B.A. Programs Tout On-Campus Incubators, Successes (The Wall Street Journal)

Higher Education: On a Crash Course for Reinvention Colleges and universities have begun the process of reducing the tuition they charge. Congress could help by making a number of the changes recommended by President Obama and by making 25 percent of student loans recourse to the institution. These changes, however, even if fully acknowledged and aggressively executed, will leave three serious challenges unaddressed. (The Huffington Post)