The Cities Blog

Ranked-choice voting visualized

As we reported this morning, writing a computer algorithm to count ranked-choice ballots isn't exactly rocket science. It's intro-level computer science.

It turns out that there are way more interesting things you can do with the data file Minneapolis released last week showing all the votes in the Minneapolis mayor's race. Things like this.

Schrom visualization

That's a screen grab from an animation created by data scientist John Schrom. It shows the gradual redistribution of votes that occurred over the course of more than thirty rounds of ballot counting.

Schrom isn't the only data lover who tried to make art out of the election. Christian Miller made a visualization, too.

His is animated, too. It's not as pretty, but it's a little easier to see what's going on.

Perhaps the most aesthetically pleasing example from the genre comes from Patrick Stein. I added larger labels so you can see Betsy Hodges' and Mark Andrew's vote totals grow.

Stein visualization

Check out his website for a complete explanation.