Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Eye-popping cold moving in; dialing back on light snowy evening coating

Taking a look at the weather maps today you'd be forgiven if you thought it was January.

Some eye-popping cold lurks behind the cold front moving into Minnesota today. It's already well below zero in central and western North Dakota where several inches of new snow fell last night. Track the cold air all the way back to the Yukon Territory and you get some brutal numbers. Temps are running -40 to -50 in the Yukon Territory these days. Talk about an 'arctic' air mass.

Check out these stunning numbers from Dawson in the Yukon Territory this morning, where it's a balmy -46 degrees.

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Image: Environment Canada

The cold isn't quite that nasty in the Upper Midwest, but you can clearly see the temps are ready to nosedive in Minnesota as the front sweeps through in the next 48 hours.

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Image: University of Illinois

Dialing back on snowfall a bit

The incoming system never looked like a blockbuster, but moisture with this system looks even more scant today. Expect some snow showers today and a period of steadier light snow this evening -- but (thankfully?) not too much accumulation.

The latest model trends are stingy with just a coating in the metro.

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Image: NOAA via Iowa State University

Here's the latest Twin Cities radar loop to track precip today.