On Campus Blog

Keep this man out of your college’s dining hall

It's hard to watch this.

Former Rochester Community and Technical College student Eric Dahl is the collegiate competitive-eating champion and says in USA Today what often goes through his mind when he's mid-binge:

"Say you're taking part in a 10-minute contest and five minutes in your stomach starts to say, 'Hey, what are you doing? You're full. What are you trying to do? No more food should come in here.' Sometimes, your body is saying no, but you just have to continue, be persistent and keep pushing."

Dahl, who went on to the University of Wisconsin-Madison in computer engineering, has earned more than $18,000 through his "sport."

He told the Wisconsin State Journal:

“I’m eating for my education. It helps me get through.”

Read the full story here. The video above was shot at Dickey's in Rogers.