Task force: Big changes in store for Minn. sex offender program

The task force looking at how to handle the potential release of nearly 700 civilly committed sex offenders in Minnesota will release recommendations on Dec. 1.

One of the members, William Mitchell College of Law President Eric Janus, said big changes are in store.

Given constitutional questions about the state's policy of detaining some sex offenders after they've served their prison sentences, the state will have little choice other than to release some of them, Janus said.

"It is going to happen," Janus said. "We are not talking about a mass exodus from this program. We are talking about a slow and orderly stream of people who are prepared to exit being placed in the community."

This week, Gov. Mark Dayton directed his administration to stop recommending the provisional release of any more civilly committed sex offenders.

Dayton is imploring the Legislature to come up with a solution that will ensure the state's policies for prosecuting and incarcerating sex offenders are constitutional.