On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Fragrances, prof pay and turning away from MOOCs

How Much Is a Professor Worth? A book to be published this month examines academic salaries, contracts and benefits in publicly funded universities in 28 countries. It depicts a world increasingly divided “into two categories — brain drain and brain gain,” as countries with more resources siphon off academic talent from poorer countries. (The New York Times)

States fight for in-state tuition for student veterans Since 2009, there has been more than a 17% increase in the number of veterans using their G.I. Bill benefits. As this number grows, some states are trying to change the residency requirement. (USA Today)

Colleges Dabble in Fragrances Smelling Opportunity, Colleges Are Coming Out With Their Own Colognes and Perfumes (The Wall Street Journal)

9 Reasons Why Being An Adjunct Faculty Member Is Terrible Yet, despite research that shows adjuncts do a good job of teaching, these part-time instructors must deal with a mountain of difficulties. (The Huffington Post)

Udacity's Sebastian Thrun, godfather of free online education, changes course So why is he pivoting away from MOOCs? "The sort of simplistic suggestion that MOOCs are going to disrupt the entire education system is very premature." (Fast Company)