Enbridge to revise ND-Wis. oil pipeline route

Oil well
The proposed $2.6 billion Sandpiper pipeline will carry between 225,000 and 375,000 barrels of oil a day from the booming Bakken oil fields like this one in Tioga, N.D. across Minnesota to Superior, Wis.

Pipeline operator Enbridge has agreed to a revised route for a new oil pipeline from North Dakota across northern Minnesota.

The proposed $2.6 billion Sandpiper pipeline will carry between 225,000 and 375,000 barrels of oil a day from the booming Bakken oil fields across Minnesota to Superior, Wis.

Photos: Oil boom changes the face of N.D.

In its application filed last week with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, the company laid out a preferred route crossing the land of several organic farmers in eastern Carlton County.

Now, though, the company has agreed to a route that follows more existing utility corridors and avoids those farms, said spokeswoman Christine Davis. "We really did sit down and work with people to try and find ... the best route that can go through Carlton County," Davis said.

The company's preferred route would have crossed the land of farmer Steve Schulstrom.

"Now we can go forward with our plans, and not worry about any other disruptions," Schulstrom said. "We can look towards expanding our maple sugar operation as we just planned."

Enbridge says the new route will more closely follow existing utility corridors. It still plans to begin construction on the project late next year, and complete it by early 2016.