On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Math riches, essay creativity and the bargain-basement B.A.

Will Studying Math Make You Richer? A Fed study says yes. You should be smart enough to be skeptical—especially if you studied math. (The Atlantic)

Sallie Mae Reduces Disclosure Of Controversial Funding Source Sallie Mae, the nation’s largest student loan company, quietly removed from its latest quarterly report any reference to a cheap government-backed credit line it’s been enjoying since 2010, following withering criticism from a top Democratic lawmaker. (The Huffington Post)

Robots or Aliens as Parents? Colleges Gauge Applicants’ Creativity More universities are including offbeat essay topics on students’ admissions applications to separate the highly creative from the highly ordinary. (The New York Times)

Changing Course: Business Schools Cut Programs After spending years adding new programs in an attempt to boost enrollment and capitalize on untapped revenue streams, deans say the efforts often confused prospective students or distracted administrators. (The Wall Street Journal) Buyer Beware the Bargain-Basement B.A.! Those $10,000 degrees and “competency-based” models are not the solution. (Slate via NAICU)