Minn. anti-war activists want FBI documents public

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) -- Two anti-war activists whose homes were searched by the FBI in 2010 are asking a federal judge to end the secrecy surrounding their case.

Jess Sundin and Mick Kelly are among 23 anti-war activists in Chicago, Minneapolis and Grand Rapids, Mich., whose homes were searched. Warrants indicated investigators were looking for connections between the activists and radical groups in Colombia and the Middle East.

But attorney Bruce Nestor says it's been three years since the documents supporting the search warrants were sealed, and there have been no charges and no public signs that an investigation is continuing. He says this casts suspicion on his clients.

Prosecutors say the notion of undue suspicion doesn't outweigh the government's interest in keeping the documents sealed. A hearing is set for Friday morning.