On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Competence, self esteem and LGBT aid problems

Are You Competent? Prove It. Degrees Based on What You Can Do, Not How Long You Went (The New York Times)

University Of Kansas Professor Suspended Over Tweet Won't Return In 2013  A journalism professor suspended over a tweet that angrily targeted the National Rifle Association after the Navy Yard shootings has been assigned other duties this semester, and will take a planned sabbatical in the spring. (The Huffington Post)

College Kids Give Themselves an ‘A’ for Job Readiness College students get low marks from hiring managers who say they’re unprepared for office life–but don’t tell them that. (The Wall Street Journal)

The Future of Higher Education I recently finished reading College Unbound by Jeffrey Selingo. I won't claim this book has all the answers about the direction higher ed is heading, but if you want to get a sense of what the current debate is like, this isn't a bad place to start. (Washington Monthly)

LGBT Students Can Face Long Road to Financial Aid Name changes, gender identification and strained family relationships can present FAFSA challenges. (U.S. News & World Report)