On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Fraud, athletes’ grad rates, and MBA application videos

5 examples of fraud that universities can learn from A report produced by the anti-corruption agency Transparency International exposed the extent of fraud in international higher education. (Times Higher Education)

Recruiters Without Borders: Companies Scout Globally The third annual Global Employability Survey, designed and commissioned by the French education consulting firm Emerging and carried out by the German market research firm Trendence, asked recruiters and senior international executives to profile an ideal university graduate — and the ideal university producing such graduates. (The New York Times)

Get Ready for MBA Application Videos B-schools are starting to require applicants to record video responses to short interview questions. (U.S. News & World Report)

Everything you think is important in college admissions is wrong A number of recent articles have addressed the relative importance of some of the information used in the college application process. Dennis Eller, College Counselor at Canterbury School in Fort Wayne, Ind., offered this humorous summary on a counselors’ listserv. (The Washington Post)

College Athletes Come Up as Winners in Grad Rates Eighty-two percent of athletes in the 2006-07 freshman class earned their diploma, matching a one-year record. Graduation rates over the four-year span hit 81 percent, also a one percentage point increase and another record. (Associated Press via NAICU)