On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Nude photos, tuition cuts and law school reforms

Draft Law School Reforms Could Have Broader Implications Increasing the information available about programs could benefit both undergraduates and law students. (U.S. News & World Report)

College teaching assistant e-mails nude pics to class  The University of Iowa says it was an accident, and has asked students to delete images and take down tweets. (USA Today)

Sued Over Pay, Condé Nast Ends Internship Program Several former and current Condé Nast interns said sacrificing the internship program seemed too extreme a response, not least because it meant that hundreds of fledgling and prospective journalists would be denied an invaluable launching pad. (The New York Times)

Don’t Teach For America “Education reform” that helps only your resume. (The Harvard Crimson)

To boost student enrollment, colleges are cutting tuition Twenty-nine colleges and universities have also frozen their tuition. (CBS Evening News)