On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Homeless students, flipped classrooms and PhD truths

10 truths a PhD supervisor will never tell you There are some important dos and don’ts to bear in mind when choosing someone to oversee your doctoral thesis. (Times Higher Education)

A response to USA Today article on Flipped Classroom research There are some major problems with the story. Exaggerated claims by ed tech enthusiasts are not helpful, but neither are exaggerated claims by ed tech skeptics. (e-Literate)

George Washington University Has For Years Claimed To Be 'Need-Blind,' It's Not The university has been misrepresenting its admissions and financial-aid policy for years, touting a "need-blind" admissions policy while in fact giving preference to wealthier students in the final stages of the admissions process. (The Huffington Post)

An automatic boredom detector? Inside “educational data mining” research  Ryan Baker of Columbia has spent the last ten years working on systems that gather evidence about crucial parts of the learning process that would seem to be beyond the ken of a non-human teacher. (The Hechinger Report)

College campuses see rise in homeless students Though hard data are lacking, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid estimates that there are 58,000 homeless students on campuses nationwide. (USA Today)