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Sun returns Friday, September marks 343rd consecutive warm month globally

In Search of Sunshine

Seasonal Affected Disorder is a real condition for some Minnesotans. We just don't usually think of it as an October phenomenon.

If you're feeling the winter blues a little early this year you're not alone, and medical professionals tell us that getting the right kind of full spectrum light can help. In the meantime will you settle for a gratuitous sunset photo?

1 Fair Gale sunset Sep 1st
Sunset on brighter days on Lake Minnetonka. Image: paul Huttner/MPR News

Our string of gray cloudy days continues Thursday, but there is hope for more sunshine as Friday rolls in. That's a forecast all of us can look forward to after an early 'November' bonus week. And to think just  10 days ago we were blissfully spoiled with temps in the mid 70s.

Glad I got the weather lab deck re-coated in late September.

NOAA reports today that September was the 6th warmest on record globally. That makes 343 consecutive months globally warmer than the 20th century average. Talk about a weather winning streak of sorts. Maybe folks at NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) should start playing powerball.

Looking for Silver Linings: Fast forward to Friday?

Can we just skip the Thursday forecast and focus on Friday?

It looks like the jet will lift briefly north...and a rash of sunshine may break out. Time to issue a sunshine alert?

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Image: Euro model data via Weatherspark

Southwest winds will blow in some midler air...temps could crack 50 degree in the metro and southern Minnesota Friday afternoon.

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Image: NOAA

The weekend looks a little cooler with highs generally in the 40s. Sunday may feature a few more hours of welcome sunshine.

Watching next Tuesday

It's the time of year when we need to watch for the right mix of cold and moisture that can sneak up on us with snow. Next Tuesday may be one of those days. Here's the GFS notion of low pressure and a cold rain...that may border on snow just north of the metro Minnesota Tuesday.

576 tue GFS
Image: NOAA via College of Dupage

The Euro model hints at possible flakes in the metro Tuesday.

576 tue flakes
Image: Weatherspark

Stay tuned...

NOAA: 6th warmest September and year on record

Chalk up September as the 343rd consecutive month globally warmer than the 20th century average.

NOAA is out today with the latest numbers, here's an excerpt.

The combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces for September 2013 tied with 2003 as the fourth highest for September on record, at 1.15°F above the 20th century average of 59.0°F. The combined global land and ocean average surface temperature for the January–September period was 1.08°F above the 20th century average 57.5°F, tying with 2003 as the sixth warmest such period on record.

The USA and canada were on the warm side of the equation last month. Minnesota was near the epicenter of that warmth as we enjoyed a mild September which ran +5.2 degrees vs. average at MSP Airport.

576 sep global temps

Though Minnesota is running slightly cooler than average this year...globally this is the 6th warmest year on record since 1850 according to NOAA.

CC jan to sep 2013

With the 6th warmest year on record so far 75-percent of the way through 2013, it looks likely we are headed for yet another "top 10 warmest" year globally in 2013.

CC 2013 globally through Sep