On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: ROTC, flipped classrooms and open textbooks

More open textbooks to be available The project will ultimately see 40 open textbooks available for students and instructors in highly enrolled first- and second-year subject areas. (Campbell River Mirror)

College Board: Tuition growth slowing at public colleges The spike in tuition and fees for public colleges after the 2008 financial crisis has given way to slower growth, with lower price increases this year than in any of the previous four years, according to a national survey. (The Washington Post)

R.O.T.C. Making Cuts to Expand Recruiting The Army has decided to close R.O.T.C. programs at 13 universities, many in the South, as part of an effort to broaden its recruiting elsewhere, including in major cities. (The New York Times)

Bad news for fans of ‘flipped classrooms’ — they make not have any impact on learning Professors at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, Calif. who are studying the effectiveness of a flipped classroom have bad news for advocates of the model: it might not make any difference. (USA Today)

Why Aren't Companies Getting Graduates With the Skills They Need? Firms often complain about the difficulty of finding recent college alumni who have adequate training for available jobs. (The Wall Street Journal)