On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Music, essay mills and the scientific body blow

Is Music the Key to Success? The phenomenon extends beyond the math-music association. Strikingly, many high achievers told me music opened up the pathways to creative thinking. And their experiences suggest that music training sharpens other qualities: Collaboration. The ability to listen. A way of thinking that weaves together disparate ideas. The power to focus on the present and the future simultaneously. (The New York Times)

How Sequestration And The Shutdown Dealt A Body Blow To Scientists Several scientists warned that an extended absence could set back their research for years. (The Huffington Post)

Essay mills: university course work to order David Matthews investigates the scale and threat of the custom essay industry. (Times Higher Education)

Justices Weigh Michigan Law and Race in College AdmissionsThe Supreme Court heard arguments about whether Michigan’s voters violated the Constitution by forbidding race-conscious admissions plans at the state’s public universities. (The New York Times)

Ensuring the responsible reporting of research to the media Science communication has failed if the press release goes so far beyond the data that the headline is based on speculation rather than the findings. (Impact of Social Sciences)