On Campus Blog

Why the Pioneer Press is giving the MnSCU chancellor props

Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system Chancellor Steven Rosenstone appears to have impressed the Pioneer Press with the big workforce-training initiative he has launched since taking office.

The paper doesn't get into specifics of what Rosenstone has pushed -- such as employer listening sessions, more internship programs and training equipment, and an overhaul of how MnSCU does business -- and doesn't talk about the chancellor's progress so far.

But Rosenstone, the PiPress does state, is one of the few leaders to see the lack of a fully prepared workforce as a true emergency given the state's pending demographic transformation:

 The problem is easy to talk about and hard to solve. But there it is, and it's useful to have the chancellor of a diverse, statewide system that serves 400,000 students a year trying.

Read the full opinion here.