On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: The shutdown, unemployment and college autonomy

Unemployment Plagues Young People Around The World This report focuses on an affected group of particular importance: those who managed to graduate from college yet still find themselves jobless. From the United States to Spain, experts warn that the side-lining of millions of would-be consumers is placing a substantial drag on economic growth, diminishing prosperity for all. (The Huffington Post)

Stubborn Skills Gap in America’s Work Force A new report says workers in the United States are falling behind their global peers in key measures, despite the fact that American employers pay a large wage premium for skilled labor. (The New York Times)

Federal ruling likely to expand programs at historically black colleges in Maryland Four historically black universities are likely to gain more distinctive programs to compete for students following a federal ruling that the state has allowed too much academic overlap among its public universities, tilting the market in favor of traditionally white institutions. (The Washington Post)

5 effects of the government shutdown for college studentsvThe government shutdown has closed doors at military service academies, paused sexual assault investigations nationwide, halted scientific research and more. (USA Today)

Top public universities push for autonomy from states Oregon's three largest state schools are in the process of breaking away from the rest of the public system. (The Huffington Post via NAICU)