On Campus Blog

Police investigating this hate crime at Gustavus Adolphus College

This isn't us (J. Mark Bertrand via Flickr)

The Free Press of Mankato reports that St. Peter police are investigating what they're calling a hate crime on the campus of Gustavus Adolphus College.

Police are releasing few details, but say someone spray-painted a racial slur and a student's name on a campus sidewalk during Homecoming weekend, which was Sept. 28 and 29.

Glen D. Lloyd, the college's assistant director for multicultural services, told The Free Press:

“We heard an outcry from our community that this isn't us."

Apparently the person who was targeted has posted this Facebook statement:

“I am the victim of the hate crime that happened here on our beautiful campus, and I want you all to know that I love you as individuals and Gustavus as a place. This event has dramatically hurt me and wounded me in a way that I never thought possible, but the people of this institution have helped me. … Now to the individual or group that perpetrated this crime against me. I want you to know that I love you for all of your faults. Even for all of the pain that you have caused me, I still recognize that you are a human being as well.”


You can read the full story here.