On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Apprenticeships, government majors and a British invasion

Students in Britain Are Drawn to U.S. Colleges The U.S.-U.K. Fulbright Commission’s American college fair was once a sleepy single-day event. No longer. This year, more than 5,000 visitors registered for the fair. (The New York Times)

Students re-evaluate government majors during shutdown The government shutdown and recent gridlock has many students questioning how they can make a meaningful impact on society. (USA Today)

Living 'The Good Life': How Brown University Students Are Learning To Ask The Big Questions Ethical Inquiry is one amid a growing number of classes and programs in American higher education that aim to tackle life's Big Questions at a time before 20-somethings become encumbered by the responsibilities of work and family that seem to take priority over more philosophical pursuits. (The Huffington Post)

U.S. adults lag most countries in literacy, math and computer skills Policymakers and politicians who wring their hands about the mediocre performance of U.S. students on international math and reading tests have another worry: The nation’s grown-ups aren’t doing much better. (The Washington Post via NAICU)

How Apprenticeships Work in Switzerland Some conservative critics argue that the problem with American higher education is that too many high school students are going to college. It’s maybe worth taking a look at Switzerland. (Washington Monthly)