Daily Circuit Blog

Op-ed pick: How the GOP could fix ACA

The Los Angeles Times editorial board thinks the GOP, instead of trying to kill Obamacare, should try to make it better:

There are several things that members of Congress could be doing now to make it work better, if Republicans were interested. They could start by clearing up the uncertainties that have put some federal rules under a legal cloud — for example, by clarifying that Americans in every state can qualify for premium subsidies, not just those in the 16 states that are operating their own insurance-buying exchanges.

They could also look for ways to make the mandate to obtain coverage more effective. The financial penalties in the law are so low, many people would save money by paying the fine instead of signing up for coverage. That's particularly true of the younger, healthier people whose participation is key to holding down premiums. One step that would help on that front: allowing people over age 30 to sign up for less expensive plans with higher deductibles and out-of-pocket costs.

Read the entire editorial here.