MinnEcon Blog

Help wanted: Job vacancies on the rise

That nation's employers likely have plans to hire more people soon.

Ads on online sites that post job vacancies spiked last month, according to the Conference Board, a research group.

It notes that companies listed about 210,000 more jobs online in September than in August, the biggest gain in about nine months.

Minnesota employers reflected the national trend by posting 6,000 more vacancies online than the previous month.

Some of the strongest demand for workers around the country came in the food service industry, which posted a lot more vacancies online.

However, the numbers signaled more hard times for lawyers. Demand for them tumbled last month.

According to the Conference Board for every 10 open positions in Minnesota, there are about 13 unemployed people.

Nationally for every 10 open positions that are 22 people without jobs.