Shutdown's just a shot in the arm for the Political Junkie

Ken Rudin
Ken Rudin, former political editor for NPR News
Courtesy Doby Photography/NPR

The clock continues to tick down to the Tuesday deadline for Congress to pass a budget resolution to fund the federal government. If no agreement is reached and the government shuts down, the effects will be immediate and widely felt.

The latest spending measure approved by House Republicans would delay by one year the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and repeal the act's tax on medical devices. Democratic leaders in the Senate have vowed not to approve any such delay. Health exchanges around the country, such as Minnesota's MNsure, will begin enrolling clients under the act on Tuesday.

Political Junkie Ken Rudin joins The Daily Circuit, as he does every Monday, to talk about the political landscape and help us sort out the issues behind the threatened shutdown.