On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: iOS7 crashes, prepaid plans, and an anti-NRA tweet

Anti-NRA tweet leads to University of Kansas professor’s administrative leave After the Washington Navy Yards shooting, tenured associate professor David Guth lashed out, and then felt the backlash of the university, which rapidly distanced itself from his views. (New York Daily News via Education Dive)

One less way to pay for college The prepaid college savings plan that for years was pitched to parents as an insurance policy against rising tuition prices is scrambling to live up to its promises—and to hold on to investors. (MarketWatch)

The Sad Death Of An Adjunct Professor Sparks A Labor Debate The death of a long-time, part-time professor in Pittsburgh is gathering the attention of instructors nationwide. The trend of relying on part-time faculty has been in the works for decades, and Margaret Mary Vojtko's story is seen by some as a tragic byproduct. (NPR)

iOS 7 Downloads Blamed In College WiFi Crashes Ohio University, for example, asked students in a campus-wide email not to update their iPhones. (The Huffington Post)

Accrediting and For-Profit Colleges   Accrediting agencies receive their funding from fees paid by the very colleges they monitor. The review teams they dispatch to visit and rate schools are composed of volunteers from other schools accredited by the same agencies. (The Huffington Post)