Confederate flag roils Fargo high school

FARGO, N.D. (AP) -- A student at a North Dakota high school named for a federal judge who played a big role in the civil rights movement caused a stir when he displayed a Confederate flag in the back of his pickup.

The student flew the flag Monday on what was dubbed "America Day" for homecoming week at Davies High School. Senior Benjamin Olson told KVLY-TV he and others were bothered by the display. He says he recognizes free speech but that he found the flag "distasteful."

Principal Troy Cody says the student was told to take down the flag and did so with no fuss.

The school is named for former U.S. District Judge Ronald Davies, who is famous for his rulings in 1957 desegregating the public schools in Little Rock, Ark.


Information from: KVLY-TV,