On Campus Blog

How upset are Metro State faculty over this summer’s payroll glitch?

This sounds vaguely familiar. (MPR Photo / Tim Post)

Update: This afternoon, I received this from Metropolitan State Inter Faculty Organization Council: "Today, the St. Paul Pioneer Press published a story by Frederick Melo reporting that the Metropolitan State Inter Faculty Organization (IFO) Council is considering a vote of no confidence in President Sue Hammersmith. This claim is incorrect. ... (No) motion concerning a vote of no confidence was ever considered, debated, or brought to the floor at the IFO Council meeting on Thursday, September 13th, 2013. "

Amid news that Metropolitan State University has suffered from payroll snafus this summer -- with some employees saying they've been shortchanged -- the Pioneer Press reports this today:

"... Faculty asked for an audit of faculty salaries a year ago, but the administration rejected their request."

The paper reports that the Inter Faculty Organization is considering a vote of no-confidence in President Sue Hammersmith.

You can read the full story here.