Police push nabs over 1,500 drunk drivers

A late summer push to catch drunk drivers led to the arrests of more than 1,500 motorists on Minnesota roads.

Police from 344 agencies around the state increased DWI enforcement efforts from Aug. 16 to Sept. 2, leading to 1,556 DWI arrests during the period.

State Patrol Lt. Eric Roeske said the federally funded campaign included more officers on patrol specifically watching for drivers under the influence.

Though some DWI enforcement efforts last all year, Roeske said, others are targeted.

"A lot of them focus around summer holiday weekends," he said. "Any time we see a higher instance of alcohol-related crashes and drunk driving instances."

But it's difficult to determine what increased enforcement actually prevents in the short term.

"Our goal is to have a reduction or elimination of impaired driving deaths and we're really not going to be satisfied until we accomplish that," Roeske said.

Last year, September was the deadliest month on Minnesota roads with 48 deaths, according to state figures.

Last Friday through Monday, eight people died on Minnesota roads.

Roeske said Labor Day travel, students going back to school and the beginning of football season all contributed to the high number of deaths.