On Campus Blog

What the Tommies’ prez thinks about being inclusive of gays and lesbians

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Catholic Education Daily writes that University of St. Thomas President Julie Sullivan received a burst of applause when she said this during her recent convocation speech:

“Our Catholic identity and mission call us to recognize and respect the dignity of every human person as a child of God and as created in God’s image. Thus, we have a Catholic mission-based calling to embrace and treat every person in our community with love and support. It pains me to think that a gay student, staff or faculty member would ever feel unwelcome or a need to hide at St. Thomas. As Pope Francis reminds us, we are not called to judge. We are called to love and support everyone in our community regardless of their sexual orientation. And, I might add, regardless of the gender of their spouse."

Daily writer Matthew Archbold adds:

The Church clearly calls for loving and respecting all, but without any mention from Sullivan of the Church’s teaching on homosexuality and marriage, her approach could lead students to think that their Catholicism calls them to accept homosexual behavior as non-sinful.

You can read the entire piece here.