On Campus Blog

The misery of the Ph.D job market

Can't take this. (paulbence via Flickr)

Ph.D holder J.D.J. Plocher, an alumnus of Macalester College and the University of Minnesota, blogs about how the misery of a failed job search may have forced him to give up his dream of becoming a music academic:

"…I told myself that I was worthless, that I’d thrown away seven years of my life chasing a degree that was going to get me something between jack and squat. After a decade in graduate school, I was somehow even less employable than I would have been straight out of undergrad. I’d made my wife work full time through our kids’ preschool years, made her live 1200 miles from her family. I was convinced I was failing my family. Late one night it got so bad that I cried for an hour, great wracking sobs that I couldn’t stop. I don’t know what would have happened if I’d been alone. My wife helped me get through that night, and the days that came after."

You can read that post -- and others -- on his site here.