On Campus Blog

State legislators hitting campuses this month

Ten Minnesota lawmakers will hold listening sessions throughout the state this month on how to improve college in Minnesota.

Senate Higher Education Committee Chairwoman Terri Bonoff (DFL-Minnetonka), along with her House counterpart, Rep. Gene Pelowski (DFL-Winona), will lead the group's free, public "listening events" on almost 20 campuses throughout the state.

Bonoff said in a press release:

"College students in Minnesota are facing tremendous challenges avoiding debt, getting the right training, and securing jobs. I'm looking forward to hearing directly from students about their concerns. We must work together to identify what we can do at the state level to ensure that Minnesota's Colleges and Universities of the future meet the needs of students, as well as the needs of the 21st century workforce."

The project has a higher ed website with more information, dates and locations.